Do you feel alone in your relationship?

Is your marriage in trouble? Has conventional couples’ counseling failed you?

You may feel lost on where to start and how to turn your relationship around . Maybe your partner has already checked out, not willing to go to therapy or just stuck in a conflict cycle that doesn’t leave room for connecting authentically.


Do you have moments in your life that you feel:

  • Loneliness, not getting the support you hope, responsibility for everything?
  • Starting each day hoping that he would give you one confident, caring look that day, give you SOME attention?
  • Do you sometimes lay awake in your bed next to your sleeping husband feeling like you are miles away, not knowing what to do?
  • Do you notice other couples laughing, holding hands and kissing each other in public, hoping you would have a way to get back that connection with your husband?
  • Disappointed in yourself for getting into this situation?
  • Are you already thinking that a divorce is a real possibility, or have you even talked about a divorce?
  • Do you feel like you want to save your marriage, but you secretly feel like it might just be too late?

If any of that sounds like you, then I have good news.

NONE of those things are the real problem, those are just the SYMPTOMS.

What if you had all the tools you needed to reconnect with your partner and love them more deeply?

Feel Secure, seen and understood in your marriage.

Let me help you build a Roadmap to Connection. As we work together through the program:

  • You’ll start building the connection and closeness, and the team feeling you once had…
  • You ‘ll tap right back into that passion and attraction, and it’s going to come rushing back better than it ever was before!
  • His eyes will open to you in a completely new, adoring way…
  • You will again start having amazing date nights, trips away or vacations, and YOU will be the envy of other couples.

AND you’ll do this while understanding, loving and appreciating yourself more and feeling empowered.

Through my own journey healing my marriage I decided to start helping other women find the true source of happiness, which is their marriage and relationships. Through the years I have helped women across the world turn their relationship around. Their heartfelt testimonials speak of the results they experienced.

Wondering if this program is for you?

This program is for YOU if:

  • You are NOT in an abusive relationship
  • You are financially secure and committed to invest in the future of your marriage
  • You are living together with your partner or have regular communication with him
  • You are determined not to end up in statistics as another failed marriage
  • You are ready to take action now and willing to be coached
  • You understand that making a big investment now into the quality of your relationship will have positive monetary and well being effects not only for you but for your children too
  • You have your life on the right track: satisfying career or business, house, friends and possibly children, and no major health or financial concerns.
  • BUT you are fed up with the blame, loneliness, disconnectedness and lack of intimacy in your relationship
  • This is a priority for you right now. You want to live your best life, and you’re ready to be decisive, resourceful and coachable to sort this out now. Once and for all.
katariina raike marriage coach

Book a Free Breakthrough Call with me and let us discover if this is the right program for you.

FREE Breakthrough Call

How is it possible to see results immediately?

the mindful marriage

Let me help you unravel this…

When working with me you’ll get unlimited support by message, text and email plus our weekly coaching session.

You must be wondering about how you can start seeing results immediately even though your husband isn’t involved AT ALL.

This program is not for couples, I only work with with you and the program is designed to work even if you don’t share with your partner you are doing this and the results are very powerful.  The process is more efficient than conventional therapy because you can see immediately what works, because YOU are the only ”moving part”.

This is achieved with the right support from me, someone who has a proven system to help you, by providing tools and strategies and also guiding you into implementing them successfully.

I provide you with hands on advise WHENEVER you feel like you need help. I am a positive, caring and skilful coach that works hard at helping you reach the results you want in your marriage.

The Mindful Marriage Program

The Mindful Marriage program is an exact system to get your marriage back on the right track starting from day ONE. This is not your conventional couples therapy! The Mindful Marriage Program encompasses a research based approach in communication, and its ultimate goals are to disarm conflicting verbal communication; increase intimacy, respect, and affection; remove barriers that create a feeling of stagnancy; and create a heightened sense of empathy and understanding within the context of the relationship.

I do not promise this will be an easy expedition. It will take hard work, commitment and a financial investment into your marriage and well-being of your family.

This is an intensive 10 week program that has been developed to fast track progress that counselling can take YEARS to bring to fruition. It is the result of over 20 years of learning about self-development and growth and 5 years of developing a sophisticated system that gently guides you but also gives you the right tools to expedite positive changes in your relationship.

This program was the culmination of work that is very close to my heart. It was birthed from the need to change my relationship and save MY marriage.

Although I led a fulfilling and successful business life, it meant NOTHING when my marriage was failing and my family was suffering, and all the stress even compromised my physical health. After evaluation and testing of various tools and methods for YEARS first on myself and then with my friends and clients, I now know exactly what works. And what surprised even myself, is that some of the shifts are exactly the opposite of what you normally hear when it comes to marriage advice!

The Mindful Marriage Program

The Mindful Marriage program is an exact system to get your marriage back on the right track starting from day ONE. This is not your conventional couples therapy! The Mindful Marriage Program encompasses a research based approach in communication, and its ultimate goals are to disarm conflicting verbal communication; increase intimacy, respect, and affection; remove barriers that create a feeling of stagnancy; and create a heightened sense of empathy and understanding within the context of the relationship.

I do not promise this will be an easy expedition. It will take hard work, commitment and a financial investment into your marriage and well-being of your family.

This is an intensive 10 week program that has been developed to fast track progress that counselling can take YEARS to bring to fruition. It is the result of over 20 years of learning about self-development and growth and 5 years of developing a sophisticated system that gently guides you but also gives you the right tools to expedite positive changes in your relationship.

This program was the culmination of work that is very close to my heart. It was birthed from the need to change my relationship and save MY marriage.

Although I led a fulfilling and successful business life, it meant NOTHING when my marriage was failing and my family was suffering, and all the stress even compromised my physical health. After evaluation and testing of various tools and methods for YEARS first on myself and then with my friends and clients, I now know exactly what works. And what surprised even myself, is that some of the shifts are exactly the opposite of what you normally hear when it comes to marriage advice!

Book a Free Breakthrough Call with me and let us discover if this is the right program for you.

On this free one hour session, we will work with you one-on-one to craft a step by step plan for you to save your marriage. We’ll identify the stage of your marriage, and find out what to do first so that you can start taking the right action NOW to see the positive changes in your marriage practically immediately.

You feel like you are giving and giving, and not getting anything back in return. This makes you feel used, not appreciated, not loved.

We’ve been told to adapt to the expectations of life and our partner. That the input comes from the outside, we need to anticipate what is wanted of us and fulfill the needs of others.

Expectations as a wife and mother come from the society, our parents relatives and in-laws, even movies, books and music! It’s very one-sided and pressuring.

Our Partner of course also has expectations he needs to fulfill, but traditionally men have had more freedom to CHOOSE how much they want to take responsibility for example with the household chores, or kids, their hobbies etc.  Our partner often has more freedom in his career, which may lead to financial imbalances too.

The Life Flow represents all the events in life.

The tasks you need to take care of at home, if there are any illnesses in your family or maybe chronic challenges with health, any pandemics going on, the work situation, where you live basically everything that’s happening on the outside, the every day situations that need reacting, organizing, consideration, remembering etc.

The life flow also represents your own personal past, what has happened to you in your life in your childhood or previous relationships etc. They ALL have an effect on you today, and can cause stress or anxiety.

The old way is to make sure everyone is ok, all is taken care of, the task list is done, and THEN receive satisfaction from things being well. This leaves very little time to connect with self. The feelings of happiness, when we feel happiness on rare occasions, come from the outside.

My ”Mindful Marriage Program” framework has it’s foundation in what I call ”Core Connection”.

In that the foundation of everything we do, all action, is through the lens of CONNECTION and INTENTION.

  • You’re taking the time to find out who you are, what you stand for, what is it that you need, before you start to take any action to improve your marriage.
  • You’re recognizing what are the elements in your life flow that are holding you back, is it in the past, in your now, or something about the future that’s keeping you unconnected. You’re removing old triggers, learning skills to find ease and happiness in your every day life.
  • The next step is to build the connection with your partner, THROUGH THIS NEW connection within yourself: Your partner is going to be interested in your new found confidence, and respect your desires, because you’re respecting your own self now! You’ll understand him better through the same frameworks you processed in the self connection piece, and he’ll want to connect with you because of that.
  • And once that connection is established, you’ll create the expectations, the goals and dreams for your marriage TOGETHER FROM THE INSIDE OUT, as a team, not let influence and expectations rule you from the outside!
  • What then maintains this in the long run is positive, respecting, skilful communication that needs to be ABSOLUTELY learned.

What we want to build is a Roadmap to Connection

Book a Free Breakthrough Call with me and let us discover if this is the right program for you.

Decide to take action NOW. Decide that you will not settle for a marriage that is less than you hoped for.

You have a choice to invest in yourself now, so you can finally start the next chapter in your life to gain back the closeness and fun you once shared with your husband.