Is your marriage in trouble? Has conventional couples’ counseling failed you?
You may feel lost on where to start and how to turn your relationship around . Maybe your partner has already checked out, not willing to go to therapy or just stuck in a conflict cycle that doesn’t leave room for connecting authentically.
Do you have moments in your life that you feel:
- Loneliness, not getting the support you hope, responsibility for everything?
- Starting each day hoping that he would give you one confident, caring look that day, give you SOME attention?
- Do you sometimes lay awake in your bed next to your sleeping husband feeling like you are miles away, not knowing what to do?
- Do you notice other couples laughing, holding hands and kissing each other in public, hoping you would have a way to get back that connection with your husband?
- Disappointed in yourself for getting into this situation?
- Are you already thinking that a divorce is a real possibility, or have you even talked about a divorce?
- Do you feel like you want to save your marriage, but you secretly feel like it might just be too late?
If any of that sounds like you, then I have good news.
NONE of those things are the real problem, those are just the SYMPTOMS.